MinceHeim 2nd Edition!


 I’ve been slacking off on posting these rules for fear that I’d messed something up in them. But I’m tired of waiting around and I think any issues will get resolved faster if more people are playing them than just me! I’ve still got to flesh out the random objective and encounter tables.

MinceHeim 2nd Edition

Please forgive the lateness of publishing for these! They’ll also be on the MinceHeim page of the blog, but I won’t be removing the original rules. Everything has its place.

P.S. I also have rules for magic, but they aren’t ready yet. Hopefully it won’t take a year to post them…


  1. Excellent! I like the look of the campaign rules too. Will definitely try these.

  2. I am very pleased to see these! I will print off a copy this week and have a wee go. I will be using 28mm figures so intend to double playing area and distances…
    Alan Tradgardland

  3. Very nice! I will give these a go, but with a slightly larger board and my 1/72 plastic figures.


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