Play-testing on a New Board

Last night, my daughter and I play tested a new skirmish game I’ve been working on. It was our third game. No scenario yet, just a basic battle with a couple of treasure tokens in the midst. There were also some random monsters on the edges not claimed by the players, but they were quickly dispatched—sadly, no more encounters were rolled.

The battle took place on a 2’x2’ board I made myself! It features a muddy but dried riverbed and well-trodden but I’ll-maintained roads. I also built some mound huts to go on it, as they are incredibly versatile and one of my favorite types of dwelling in history. I still need to paint the remnant of the wattle and daub wall that’s lying by the side-road a little more and lightly cover it in some mud, but that’s nothing major. 

The battle itself was a bit of a bloodbath. Despite the lack of cover and my own archer being wounded right away, my daughter’s archers could not seem to land a shot. By the time melee closed, my dice were simply luckier.

I also recently painted up this gift I received for my birthday, I themed him after Jeff Bridge’s character in the 2014 film “Seventh Son.” I’m going to use him in Devilry Afoot, which I also received as a gift. 


  1. Great looking board and game . Looks like you both had great fun. I await more news of this project with interest..
    Alan Tradgardland

  2. Looks like fun. I too look forward to hearing more.


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