Call the Yeomanry!

 As I am a millennial from the U.S., I’ve probably butchered the terminology in the title; it’s confusing (for one who’s been cut off from his ancestral ties) trying to figure out the distinction between the actual historical role of some titles and the modern usage. But nonetheless, I’ve painted something!

The girls and I have recovered from our ailment, my oldest wasn’t even sick a whole day! My wife has a hedge of protection about her for which we are very thankful, we attribute it to providence and her years of working in early childhood education.

With our recovery, I was able to paint a Yeoman archer on his steed along with two more peasants, one of the levy and one looking to shank someone with his handy dirk.

Here is a close-up of the horse. I tried to do justice to the beauty of the real thing! I love horses.

Finally, a picture of the troops patrolling along the riverside. Hopefully I can play these soon. Maybe the town levy, seeking to capture a dire beast (of Gevaudan) rampaging the countryside? I also really need to flock the bases of all my troops.


  1. The figures are great and full of character, a worthy addition to your gaming. You have done them justice.I look forward to seeing them in a game.


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