Black Angel, in Brick!

 So this is not a battle report of my caravan game. A good friend is dealing with too much in his family right now, and I am working to be there for him and point him to Christ with every word and deed. I have a fun little thing for you all though! Black Angel Legos!

For those of you who have never seen this short fantasy film, it was directed by Roger Christian and pioneered a technique called rotoscoping, which George Lucas would use not much later in Empire Strikes back!

I’ve been on a kick about this movie for a bit. I get on kicks. It happens. What better to do while I’m playing legos with my daughter than scratch the itch for some figures?!

Compare to:

Once again, I apologize for not posting anything that I’ve wanted to post or have said I’ll post. July will be better I think. In consolation, here’s a YouTube link to Roger Christian’s Black Angel:

And once you see it, you’ll get the joke in this vignette!

“Aahhhgh! *kerplunk*”
