Caravan Quest

 This is a little mini-game I put on 1/2 of a 3x5” index card. It’s intended for some tiny wooden figures I have, I’ll have to play it soon! Posting it so as not to lose the notes!

Caravan Quest
-Wagon 1d4
-Caravan Guard 1d8
-Goblin 1d4
Troll 1d6

-Movement rates and combat strength represented by die.
-Setup: Bridge on far end, forest on either side. Caravan’s party move first. 
-Combat: Orthogonally adjacent pieces may attack each other. Roll dice against each other, highest roll wins.
-If combat is lost, reduce die by a level to a minimum of d4 (losing then results in removal)
-Wagon wins if it can cross the bridge, monsters win if the wagon is destroyed.


  1. I am interested in seeing the figures.

    1. I am also interested in seeing the figures, they sound most intriguing. Some photos of a game would be great.

    2. I’m going to do my best to post a couple of games soon! It’s been really busy. We have three family birthdays this week along with several local events we are working at!


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