For Tradgardland’s Fantasy Forces

Above: The party gathers ‘round Bilbo’s table.

Over at the Duchy of Tradgardland, the good Tradgardmastare is working on some fantasy elements. He recently posted some images from the Hobbit, and I offered to post some from my illustrated version, in the hopes that it would help him reach his goal (I love his fantasy battle reports!). So this post is a lot of images from my copy of the Hobbit. They are not as dark as the Peter Jackson renditions; instead, they have a storybook aesthetic—which is fitting, as Tolkien wrote the Hobbit to be a children’s tale!

Good morning!

The dwarves sing their songs.

Nearing the Last Homely House.


The goblin king, down down in Goblin town.

At the table of Beorn.

Elvish archers.


The destruction of Lake town.

Dwarves, arrayed for battle.

The battle of the five armies (1).

The battle of the five armies (2).

I tried to focus on images of the dwarves, elves, and battle. If anyone wants to pick up a copy, I’ve linked it below:

It’s a great coffee table edition, and good to read with kids!


  1. Great illustrations! Thanks for sharing these

    1. They’re such wonderful images, I get all kinds of inspiration for games from them. I finally figured out how to comment again!!!


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