Painting in Downtime

Thank you all for the congrats on the newest member of my house! I’ve been painting in break time and at night when we’re up late…

I’ve finished a stand of dismounted knights!

Each of the knights from the front.

I love the sculpts, and I can’t wait to paint the other stand! The pack had 10 figures, so I’ve got 2 spare. I’m definitely thinking about adding them to a command stand or painting one up individually as an RPG character. These boys are quite a bit taller than my Essex figures, but that’s okay. I could justify by saying “some people are taller”, but honestly, they’re my toy soldiers and scale creep is a thing. I’m so excited to field them. 

Also, I was able to get a low cost reprint copy of Chainmail from DriveThruRpg, so I’ll have a physical copy to play with! Until next time!


  1. ?Looking good. Looking forward to seeing them in action.


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