What I’ve been up to…

It’s been a busy time over here. A lot of painting, a lot of building, and an embarrassing amount of late nights trying to eek as much time doing fun things after work (like video games or *gasp* watching tv with my wife and *double gasp* talking about life!). In fact, I wrote this post two weeks ago and was waiting to post it until I got a good picture of the figure’s I’ve been painting. But, I never found time. So I’m posting it anyways!

Over the weekend, a couple of weeks ago, I took my eldest to a painting event at our local game store, and this was what she painted!

Her first time painting, all by herself (I just gave tips when she asked, I was waiting for my figure’s base coat to dry most of the time…). She got many a compliment, which made her day.
I got to put some base layers on my figure at the event, the “Ogre” on the left. For my games, he’ll be a rock-hurling giant most of the time. I put him next to one of my 15mm peasants for reference.

I finished my town square…

…And started work on a castle!

I told my wife, “I’m going to just do a couple projects right now to use up the materials and slim down on the extra stuff”.

I ended up starting a larger project that now requires extra materials to be bought. I am shaking my head at myself, but just look at the structural integrity of this balsa and basswood beast! That square in the corner will be the first floor of a two or three part tower (I haven’t decided), with removable pieces.

The interior structure of the tower, prior to the top floor being added.

The floor of the tower, with hatch. I had to angle it to get a defined photo while it’s unpainted. 

More to come! I need some supplies first, though.


  1. Your daughter did a very nice job. Much better than my first attempts. Keep up the good work!

  2. Your balsa skills are drool-inducing. I need to try... warships at the least.

    1. I’ve definitely been thinking about throwing together a Cog with those neat castle boxes on the bow and aft!


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