Semi-battle report #2 for Frostgrave


Battle #2 for Frostgrave saw us using a larger and more sparse map, because my child insisted on a larger battlefield despite my lack of at-hand terrain for the size! The scenario goal was to drink from the central well. 

My wizard with half his warband.

My apprentice with the other half. I got a new snow leopard animal companion!

One fun thing about Frostgrave—that I believe makes it great to play with kids—is that the goal is to get as much treasure as possible and get out. Also, scenario goals like this are not exclusive to a single wizard. Any wizard that drinks from the well gains a level, essentially. There are no clear cut winners and losers, only logistical winners and losers.

For example, in this game, which I failed to photograph at all really, both wizards drank from the well, but my daughter ended up losing her apprentice and a soldier. She also had a little bit less treasure. So I kind of won the battle, but we both still got treasure and levels. It helps when one player doesn’t completely lose everything, and in case you’re wondering, yes, she had funds to replace her apprentice!

Below is a sneak peek of what will be featured in our next battle in the Frozen City!!!

The next scenario we’re playing is called “The Worm Hunts”, which features at least 1 giant worm that will burst forth to attack the warbands. I chose this because it was easy enough to make a worm while I figure out how to procure or build the key items/figures for the other scenarios. Knowing my luck, we’ll roll high and need 2 worms!


  1. I like the worm, looking forward to the next post.

    1. It was neat to learn more about sculpting with milliput, to apply it to such a large and relatively featureless figure. I’m trying to get better. One day I think it’d be neat to produce a little army of figures I made with my own two hands.

  2. An enjoyable read and great pictures. I too like the worm. Looking forward to more of this…
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. I'll have to check out Frostgrave, looks like fun! Where do the ruined walls come from?

    2. It’s great fun! The ruined walls came from the old Hasbro “heroscape” game. Pieces are available on eBay, I know. There was even a massive castle at one point, it was the coolest thing I saw at 12 years old! But I’m not sure how much that runs nowadays…


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