Half a year!!!

 It’s been 6 months since my last post! I’ve been on Instagram a lot more, but I’m taking at least a brief break from it. Too addictive. I think I’m going to try to start posting shorter posts here with an image or two I want to share. Previously, my anxiety has gotten the best of me and I felt like I needed to have something worthy of a post.

This is all I’ve got right now to share, but there will be more soon. 


  1. Looking forward to seeing some more posts here.
    Alan Tradgardland

  2. Great to see you back!
    Is that a GW 40K droid-thing? Nice paint job whatever it is.

    1. It’s a Tau Pathfinder from 40k. I’ve always loved the Tau, and I found a box for a better price than almost 20 years ago! Seems I’m having issues with blogger not letting me log in to comment.


    2. Thanks for the info.
      Seems to be a common issue with Blogger - could it be a Browser thing??


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