More Caravan Guards


We made it through July! 3/4 weeks found family visiting, so not much was done hobby wise…other than ordering a print copy of my new adventure game!!!

I haven’t posted much about it as it’s been a very special project for me in the last few months. It’s a fantasy adventure game intended for solo play. It started out as a little handwritten ‘zine for me to compile my solo rpg ideas into, but turned into a small book when I started typing it and expanding on ideas while working out the kinks.

I’m actually hoping to publish it, once I edit it, play test it some more, and get the art done for it. It’s deeply personal, as I wanted to make something for me to use; but I think others might enjoy it too!

In the meantime, I picked up painting again after a few weeks of simple exhaustion at the thought of the task, and I’m slowly working on this Mounted Archer from Baueda. He’ll go with my maille-clad lancers and act as a caravan guard in a campaign that is currently in the “daydreaming and hyping myself up” phase.


  1. I'm looking forward to purchasing your new game. I enjoy all of your inventions and I'm sure I will like your new game.

  2. Mark says it all.
    Alan Tradgardland
    P.s the figure is looking good

  3. Great looking figure - your fantasy adventure game sounds very intriguing!


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